On his attraction to Charlie St. Cloud: “Every once in awhile, you read a script and you get that special feeling in your gut. I was touched by what the character, Charlie, goes through, and I thought it was a story worth sharing. And the fact that I have a little brother myself gave it a lot of resonance.”On girlfriend Vanessa going for Mimi in Rent: “Vanessa is playing Mimi in Rent at the Hollywood Bowl in August. It’s the role of a lifetime for her. The song ‘Out Tonight’ is Vanessa in a nutshell—she loves to have fun. She’s a good partner in crime.”On how he really wakes up in the morning: “The first thing I do every morning is cannonball into the pool. It’s the best way to wake up.”On cutting costs: “I always have music on. The other day, I found out my biggest expense isn’t electricity or gas—it’s iTunes. I spend way too much on music, movies, apps, and games. I’ve got to get that under control.”